(a) the Clerk shall call the number of each clause in succession and
shall read the heading to each clause and if no amendment is
offered, the Chairperson shall, after a convenient number of
clauses has been called, put the question “That clauses ….to ….
Stand part of the Bill;”
(b) if any Member announces, while the clauses are being called that
he wishes to move an amendment to, or make some comment on,
a clause, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question with
regard to all the clauses which have been called but not yet
agreed to, excluding the clause indicated by the Member which
shall then be considered;
(c) after the clause has been so considered, and after any proposed
amendment thereto has been agreed to or negatived, the
Chairperson shall put the question “That clause …………….(or
clause ………as amended) stand part of the Bill;”
(d) the consideration of the schedule (or schedules), if any, including
new schedules, if any, and the long title shall follow the
consideration of the clauses, including new clauses;
(e) a clause in the Bill as printed may be postponed, unless upon an
amendment thereto a question shall have been fully put from the
(f) such postponed clauses shall be considered after the remaining
clauses of the Bill and before any new clauses which may have
been deferred for consideration have been brought up;
(g) new clauses may be considered at their appropriate places in the
Bill, or they may be deferred for consideration until after the
clauses in the Bill as printed have been disposed of;
(h) on the title of any new clause being read by the Clerk, the clause
shall be deemed to have been read the first time. The question
shall then be proposed “That the clause be read a second time”
and if it is agreed to, amendments may then be proposed to the
new clause. The final question to be proposed shall be “That the
clause (or the clause as amended) be added to the Bill;”
(i) new schedules shall be considered and treated in the same way as
new clauses;
(j) when a clause or schedule has been agreed to by the Committee
or amended and agreed to, it shall not be competent for the
Committee to resume consideration thereof;
(k) before the proceedings have terminated, any Member may move
to report progress, and if such motion is carried the Chairperson
shall leave the Chair and make his report to the Assembly, and
shall ask leave to sit again;
(l) at the conclusion of the proceedings, the Chairperson shall put the
question “That I do report the Bill (or the Bill as amended) to the
Assembly”, which shall be decided without amendment or