
Roles - Mauritius National Assembly

Roles and Responsibilities

The Chairperson​

The Regional Assembly is presided over by the Chairperson of the House who may not be an "elected" Member, that is a Member who is elected through the FPTP or PR. Since its inception, the Assembly has had three Chairpersons, all of whom have been unelected Members. Once elected to the Chair, the Chairperson owes his loyalty to the dignity of the Assembly and although politics almost always determine the choice of a presiding officer, one of the most important qualities of a Chairperson is impartiality. He has to remain above party politics.

The main function of the Chairperson is to ensure that the Standing Orders and Rules of the Regional Assembly are complied with. The Chairperson interprets and enforces the Standing Orders and for the purpose of interpretation, recourse is often had to Erskine May's Parliamentary Practice. This reliance is explained by the fact that the parliamentary system in Rodrigues has its origin in the United Kingdom's (UK) Westminster system of government. Additionally, the Rodrigues Regional Assembly's conception was determined from the case study of the Tobago House of Assembly which itself has been living autonomously of the mainland Trinidad for decades now.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Deputy Chairperson

The Deputy Chairperson

At the beginning of each Assembly, the House also elects a Member to the position of Deputy Chairperson, proceeding in the same manner as for the election of the Chairperson. In the absence of the Chairperson or whenever requested by the latter, the Deputy Chairperson takes the Chair and has the same powers and functions as the Chairperson.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Majority Leader​

The Majority Leader is Mr. Franceau Aubret GRANDCOURT, GOSK, Chief Commissioner of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly.​

Roles and Responsibilities

The Minority Leader​

The Minority Leader is Mrs Rose Marie Franchette​ GASPARD PIERRE LOUIS.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Clerk​

Miss. Marie Lyndia Yannick LEGENTIL,
Clerk of the Regional Assembly

The Secretariat of the Assembly is headed by the Clerk of the Assembly. She provides the Chairperson and Members with secretarial assistance. She is the chief administrative officer of the Regional Assembly and works under the control of the Chairperson. She has expert knowledge in parliamentary procedures and practice. She is the custodian of all documents and records pertaining to the Assembly. She advises the Chairperson and Members on matters of procedure. She sits at the Table during Assembly sittings. She sends to each Member a copy of the Order Paper.​

In the performance of her duties, the Clerk is assisted by the Deputy Clerk.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Mace and the Sergeant at Arms

The Mace and the Sergeant at Arms

The Mace of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly is a gift from the National Assembly, offered at the setting up of the House in October 2002. The Mace is the symbol of authority in the House and when it is not within same, no parliamentary business can be carried out.

The Sergeant-at-Arms’ main duty is to maintain order and security in the Chamber as well as regulating security and access within the precincts of the Assembly House. He has power to arrest, without warrant, upon the orders of the Chairperson, any person executing a disturbance in the Assembly precincts.

His ceremonial duty is to lead the procession at the beginning and end of each sitting of the House, bearing the Mace on his right shoulder and preceding the Chairperson whenever she is entering or leaving the Chamber.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Secretariat​

The administration of the Parliament is through a Secretariat of the Assembly, which is headed by the Clerk or the Secretary General of the Assembly. The latter provides the Chairperson and Members with secretarial assistance. Above and beyond his duties of heading the Table inside the Chamber, the Clerk is the custodian of all documents and records pertaining to the Assembly. She further has to advise the Chairperson and Members on all matters of procedure. The Clerk and/or her deputy also act as secretary to Committees of the Assembly.​

Roles and Responsibilities

The Library

The Assembly’s Library is meant for the exclusive use of Members of the Assembly. It is involved in the collection, organization and dissemination of information. The library has a variety of volumes, consisting of books, journals, newspapers, parliamentary publications, debates and legislation. Members of the Assembly also benefit from Internet facilities.​

Roles and Responsibilities

The Regional Assembly Reporters

​The Regional Assembly Reporters’ role is to take down, word-for-word, what is being said in the debates. These reporters take their notes in shorthand before transcribing them. The notes are then compiled and published as the Official Reports of the Assembly, more popularly known as the Hansard. The reporters record in verbatim the proceedings in the House and take turns to sit in the Chamber for 10 minutes. The Regional Assembly reporters also take down the note for the meetings of the various committees of Parliament.​​​
